Thursday, January 31, 2013

So i added the pic of Mac and cheese and it was yummy

Original recipe makes 6 to 8 servingsChange Servings

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mac and Cheese

I'm making mac and cheese tonight. So what i usually do is go to a  recipe site i enjoy ( and type in what I'm going to make, then i go from there. Sometimes i follow the recipe exactly and other times i add my own touches. I'll post a picture later of my mac and cheese that i have made, and let you in on the recipe that i have used!  have a great day, I'll post later!

The start....

Ok, Just to tell you a little about myself. I am 40 years old with a wonderful husband and 2 children ages 5 and soon to be 7. I am starting this blog to post my dinners that i cook. I have been cooking for many years starting out working in a hospital kitchen setting.  I enjoy posting pictures and  trying new things. So let's see what i can do with this, I have never wrote a blog before so let's just say it's THE START...